A holistic approach to gynecological care

Natural support for sexual & reproductive healthcare

Period issues

Menstrual issues are common but NOT normal. We naturally treat infertility, period cramps, pelvic pain, depression, anxiety, night sweats, blood clots​​, irregular periods, ​abnormal bleeding, abnormal hair growth, spotting, heavy bleeding​​​, hot flashes, thyroid issues, ​​PMS & PMDD​, breast/chest pain​, fatigue, PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and pain with sex.

Heal your hormones naturally

We utilize nature to balance your hormones and heal your body. You don’t need to be pregnant or planning a pregnancy to see a midwife and we can help with all of this, naturally of course!

Trauma informed care

Our pelvic exams promote body literacy, empowerment, and inclusivity. We create a safe space for survivors and those with pelvic trauma or pain during sex, using affirming anatomical language for all gender identities. Exams are conducted without stirrups in our tranquil office, respecting your pace and ensuring consent without force or rush.

Holistic Gynecology

For those experiencing hormone, period issues or in need of a annual wellness exam.

A visit can include a Pap smear, hormone and STI testing, breast/chest exam, fertility assessment, preconception counseling, physical exam, IUD & implant removal, natural support for coming off hormonal birth control, fertility awareness method education and menopausal support.

Lab work can be performed same day in our office or at a lab draw station. Not able to make it to the lab? We offer mail in hormone test kits from the convenience of your home. Virtual appointments are for those who do not need a pelvic exam but would still like hormone testing.

$200 / 60 min with Midwife Christian Toscano

*Free for low income Black women on Medi-Cal. Use promo code EQUITYNOW

*50% off for low income POC on Medi-Cal. Use promo code POC

Follow-up appointment

Schedule this visit to review your lab work and discuss a personalized holistic treatment plan which will include herbal medicine, supplements, nutrition and lifestyle modifications to naturally restore your body's health. Referrals can be given if needed. If you are a returning patient and have a new problem schedule a holistic gynecology appointment.

$75/ 30 min with Midwife Christian Toscano

*Free for low income Black women on Medi-Cal. Use promo code EQUITYNOW

*50% off for low income POC on Medi-Cal. Use promo code POC


STI screening

In person, for Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) on Medi-Cal needing a PAP smear & STI screening only. Hormone testing is not included. If you need hormone testing or have menstrual issues, book a holistic gynecology appointment.
​$200 / 60 min with Midwife Janell Moore

*Free for low income Black women on Medi-Cal. Use promo code EQUITYNOW

*50% off for low income POC on Medi-Cal. Use promo code POC

Fees & FAQs

  • Payment is due at time of booking. We accept debit, credit, FSA and HSA.

  • Most PPO insurance plans will reimburse for services and cover lab work. A superbill will be provided upon request.

    Medi-Cal, HMO, EPO or Kaiser insurance does not cover services. HMO & EPO will cover select lab work only.

    If you have no insurance we have a low cost lab and affordable hormone testing.

  • Two options are available for at homes out of pocket testing:

    • Women’s Health Test from Everlywell $249. Use the discount code FERTILEMOONMIDWIFERY25 for 25% off. It takes one month to complete and 10 days to get results. Tests progesterone, estradiol, LH, FSH, DHEAS, Cortisol, TSH, FT3, FT4, testosterone, TPO antibodies.

    • Modern Fertility Hormone Test $179. It takes one month to complete and 10 days to get results.Tests AMH, TSH, FSH, estradiol, FT4, Prolactin, LH. This can be taken on hormonal birth control.

    Book an appointment when you have the results to discuss a holistic treatment plan.

  • We are DUTCH test providers which is the most accurate and preferred way to test hormones. It is not covered by insurance. Secondly, we offer mail in hormone kits which are slightly less accurate and not covered by insurance but more affordable. And lastly we offer serum (blood) testing which is the least accurate way to test hormones but it is covered by most insurance companies. We will advise the best form of hormone testing based on your symptoms.

  • Your cervical mucus is a sign of your fertility. We can teach you how to understand your cervical mucus so you can optimize your chances of conceiving and determine how balanced your hormones are. If you are unsure or have unclear fertile mucus patterns, we recommend using the Kegg fertility tracker.

  • Pap screening frequency has changed. It's no longer a pap every year. If your last one was normal, you should be screened based on your age. If your last Pap was abnormal you will need to follow-up with an OBGYN or NP.

    ​Pap screening frequency goes by your age. If you are 21+under there is no screening, 21-29 screening is every three years, 30-65 screening is every 3 years or 5 with HPV co-testing, and no screening for those 65"+

  • HPV, or human papillomavirus, comprises over a hundred strains, categorized as "high risk" and "low risk." High-risk types can lead to cervical cancer, while some low-risk strains cause genital warts. Our HPV testing focuses on high-risk strains for cervical cancer screening, and we now sub-test for "extra high risk" strains. Although there's no medication for HPV, there are effective herbs and supplements that help the body clear it. Also a vaccine is available for children before puberty and available for adults who do not have HPV. Most people naturally clear HPV within two years, emphasizing the importance of regular screening. Pap smears and colposcopies make developing cervical cancer extremely rare during screenings for cervical cancer. I

  • We recommend screening for STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) formerly called STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) annually for sexually active individuals, starting when you become sexually active and continuing when you have a new partner, a known STD exposure, or if you suspect an exposure, regardless of age. Not all STIs have symptoms for example, Chlamydia is a prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the US, with over half of cases showing no symptoms. Left untreated, it can lead to scarring in the fallopian tubes and pelvis, impacting fertility. Fortunately, most STDs, including chlamydia, can be treated with a short course of antibiotics.

  • Vaginal discharge is a normal part of maintaining vaginal health. We will help you understand what normal discharge is and how its color, consistency, and odor may vary throughout life and the menstrual cycle. It changs and will tell you when you are in your fertile window. Factors like lifestyle, hygiene products, hormonal birth control and sexual activities can influence discharge as well. Individual bodies differ, leading to varying amounts of discharge. Unusual discharge may indicate conditions like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or STDs, often accompanied by symptoms like fishy odor, itching, burning, or irritation. To determine the right treatment, we can perform a swab test and send it to the lab. If recurrent infections are a concern, we can help identify potential causes.

  • We offer non-hormonal birth control methods only, as we strongly recommend avoiding hormonal birth control due to its harm which includes: depression, low libido, cardiovascular risk, blood clots, heart attack, stroke, weight gain, masking unlying hormonal conditions and increased risk of breast cancer. The available non-hormonal birth control options are copper IUDs or FAM. These are safe, suitable for long-term use, reversible, and easily accessible. Your choice depends on your preferences, medical history, and goals, and we're here to guide you through the options. We can help you detox hormonal birth control and restore ovulation as well as discuss ways to achieve or avoid pregnancy, naturally of course!

  • FAM is using your natural fertility signs to avoid or achieve pregnancy. This is different from the “rhythm method” which uses only a calendar to determine your fertile signs. Because ovulation varies month to month, this method is more accurate and reliable. Why is it not taught to all menstruating bodies? Because there is no financial gain to be had because once you learn it you can use it forever. The health of your menstrual cycle is a very important vital sign and can tell us a lot about your hormones and body. We are FAM educators and can teach you how to use this as an effective birth control. Through the use of your basal body temperature (BBT), cycle tracking, cervical mucus and position you can determine when you are fertile and if you are ovulating to avoid or achieve pregnancy all for free! This method in combination with withdrawal is 99.4% effective which is as effective as hormonal birth control.

  • Signs of endometriosis are gradually increasing menstrual pain, pelvic discomfort beyond periods, and pain during intercourse. In this condition, endometrial glands implant outside the uterus, commonly in the pelvis. Diagnosis typically involves surgical exploration through diagnostic laparoscopy with biopsies, although not every suspected case requires surgery. Pain management aligns with general strategies for painful periods, hindering endometriosis progression. We provide natural treatments and discuss pharmaceutical options if desired. Surgery may be necessary for symptom improvement in some cases and referrals will be provided. Left untreated, endometriosis worsens over time, potentially causing pain and infertility. Early recognition and effective treatment can help future fertility and overall quality of life. There is no reason your menstrual periods should be painful!

  • PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, disrupts regular monthly ovulation, leading to the secretion of male hormones. This hormonal imbalance may result in excessive hair growth, acne, and weight loss challenges. There are five types of PCOS and diagnosis involves lab tests, imaging and your personal narrative, including signs, symptoms, and bleeding patterns are crucial. Treatment varies based on the type of PCOS causal factors and we aim to heal your body naturally. We'll tailor a plan to your specific needs and explore appropriate natural treatment options together.

  • Herpes simplex virus (HSV) has two strains, HSV1 and HSV2, affecting oral (cold sores) and genital areas. Transmission occurs through various means: sharing saliva for cold sores, oral sex with an active cold sore for genital herpes, and genital or oralcontact for person-to-person transmission. Diagnosing herpes involves swabbing an active, non-scabbed lesion. Outbreaks last 5-7 days, progressing through redness, itching, blister development, open vesicles, painful sores, scabbing, and scar-free healing. Antiviral herbs and medications treat HSV. Suppression with herbal medicine, supplements or a daily pharmaceutical helps prevent outbreaks and transmission between partners. Accurate diagnosis requires visible lesions and a blood test. We will discuss food triggers and natural management.

  • If you've consistently had regular periods and go without a menstrual period for 12 months or more, you’re in menopause. Prior to this, you might be seeing signs of perimenopause which are cycling irregularly or frequently and experiencing symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, night sweats, vaginal dryness, brain fog, and increased emotional sensitivity. We can explore natural remedies, nutrition and plant based hormone replacement therapy to alleviate these symptoms. While symptoms often naturally improve over time, some individuals may endure them for an extended period. We offer plant based and natural support for this normal physiological transition.

  • Our personalized exams are 1 hour with no wait time. We review your medical history, discuss any issues or concerns and perform a Pap smear and blood work as needed. All blood work is performed in comfort of our office or a lab form is given for a specific date at a draw station. Our pelvic exams are gentle, respectful of survivors, gender affirming and focused on self empowerment. Herbal medicine and supplements are offered as a treatment and referrals to specialists are given as needed.

  • We operate a body positive, sex positive, queer, transgender and gender affirming practice. ​We are committed to serving people of all genders, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds.

  • We do not offer IUD insertion, testosterone therapy or hormonal birth control.

Christian was amazing, she helped me to feel very comfortable, listened to all of my concerns and recommended we do less exams/tests than were anticipated because they simply weren’t needed. So honest and clear. She led me through a breast self exam and for the first time I finally understand how to do one properly. It really gave me confidence and a game plan for the future. I left the visit feeling well cared for, and safe, I have my practitioner!
— Erin O.

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